Minnehaha Falls
What do you do after a whole week of working cleaning and hosting a seven-year-old birthday party? Did you think of having a massive glass of wine? Heck, me too!! However, once the bottle, I meant large glass was empty, my duties were not over. A beautiful two-year-old with tons of energy and personality ran around the house and left a trail in every area she entered and exited. The petite beauty is my adorable granddaughter named Princess Reo. She filled my love bucket with her visit but also helped me realize I desperately need some time to refuel. I felt a little limited of what I could do with the rain, plus I did not want to leave Prince Reo, since she and her mom live almost six hours away. But once they leave it on!! Right? Nope. It was raining like heck. I was Netflix and wined out.
The next day rain or shine, I was out!! Guess what? Friday, I woke up to rain and more rain. I did not allow that to hold me back. Nature was calling my name, so loudly I thought I have a roommate in my home. Lol, I started searching other states to venture out. Driving time did not matter as long as a beautiful waterfall was there to greet me with a cold mist on my face and a strong sound of its natural water chore singing in my ears. The winning location, Minnehaha! Yes, it is real.
Minnehaha Falls is an extraordinary waterfall located in Lakemont, Georgia. The drive from Charlotte, North Carolina, is usually a little over three and a half hours. However, with the traffic and construction on I85, south, my drive was about four in one-half hours. I did not care because nothing was going to keep me from exploring that waterfall and embracing the opportunity to be Lazy In Nature. Think about it, would you drive that far to snap a picture and leave? Absolute not!

My GPS read eleven minutes away. It signals me to turn on a road that I completely missed because the road looked like someone’s driveway. Since my GPS would not re-route me, it forced me to make a u-turn and follow the route. The road appeared to be a one-way and all gravel. I was driving close to homes that looked like beach houses and had a view of one of the most beautiful lakes I have seen in a while. This road was so wired. One wrong jerk of the steering wheel you would end up in someone’s home or the lake. As I proceed across a small bridge with large construction cones, I could hear laughing and yells of people having a good time on the water. I noticed small motorboats, swimmers, and jet skies loaded with happy faces and sounds. Finally, I regained my focus after being noisy. My GPS said I arrived minutes ago. All shhhhhh. Here we go. Lol

Remember, I thought this narrow road was a one-way, so I kept going. I drove up to a few people that were walking their dog and asked for directions. They instructed me to keep going until I saw many cars, find somewhere to park, and the entry to the waterfall would be on my right. Whoop Whoop. I started shaking my butt in my car seat and singing with excitement to be in the right place and eager to relax at the waterfall. About three minutes later, I created my own parking space and accepted the fact that my car mirror might get knocked off if a larger truck came down this road. I did not care. I pulled close to the edge of the cliff and hopped out of the car like an excited kid.
The Minnehaha Falls
This waterfall was everything and some. The trail was super short and easy to hike. However, it was a little slippery due to the rain earlier that day. But with hiking boots and slower movement, you should be good. I notice the sound of rushing water coming from the right side of the trail. Tree branches and a few bushes covered it. I did not notice an existing path through, so I created my own. I slide down the steep decline trying hard not to get mud all over my butt. Once I moved a few more branches,  I could clearly see a few broken trees that must have fallen from a storm in the past. Over those trees was a smaller waterfall pouring down into a pool of water. I had this area all to myself. I took off my vest, boots, and socks and started walking through the water, thanking the universe for the beauty it provides. As I played in the natural pool of water, I felt like Princess Reo having a blast in Mother Nature’s house.Â

Lastly, I put my vest, socks, and boots back on to complete the hike. I was not expecting to see this gorgeous multitiered cascading waterfall. It was powerful and breathtaking. I stopped in my tracks to take it all in. I viewed this waterfall online, but it was a totally different feeling experiencing it in person. I felt safe, full, happy, and refreshed as I sat with the falls watching it like a great movie the pulled me in. I asked someone to take my picture so I could share this experience with you. I encourage you to take time for yourself and allow nature to refill your cup. Trust me; there will be no regrets.

Nature’s Girl, aka Charlene Bell
Note: slippery rocks and fast-moving water can be extremely dangerous! Please don’t climb, stand on, swim near, or jump from any waterfall.
Minnehaha Fall, Embrace the journey.